Strongest distribution network

Import &


World Wide

International Air freight

Innovative Approach

Fast International Delivery

Worldwide freight services

Excellent services

Road, air, train or overseas. We got it covered!

Worldwide freight services


Powerful Transport & Logistics Solution

Medical Rubber Products

Our Medical rubber products made from virgin natural rubber have excellent surface finish, elasticity, flexibility, resilience, high mechanical properties and are odour free with the necessary bio-compatibility and are safe for human skin.

Industrial Rubber Products

Our products are in accordance with the IS, BS and ASTMD standards and have longer functional life, excellent resistance to temperature and are highly flexible are extensively used in mining, heavy engineering, electronics & automobiles industry etc.

Surgical Items

We offer comprehensive range of surgical devices. We design, develop and manufacture our products using high ended technology under clean room conditions - and under the supervision of highly skilled personnel and qualified staff.

Sports & Fitness Items

For a better grip, we provide a textured, powder-free surface on our latex-free bands. Both our latex and latex-free exercise bands are available in attractive colors that are coded to represent various levels or strength and resistance.

Air Ring Cushion

This inflatable ring cushion is ideal for people who sit in one place for long hours. It helps to evenly distribute the weight and reduce the level of pressure providing comfort while sitting. The cushion is easy to inflate and is highly portable.

PSP Beds

Pressure Sore Preventive or Water Bed is made out of Single Textured Rubberrised Fabric having three compartments with built in pillow at one end and other two parts are to be filled by cool/normal water through the nozzles provided in the bed.

about us

Welcome, we are Innovation Exports, experienced Import & Export company operating all over the world.

We have pleasure in introducing our company - INNOVATION EXPORTS. Our Company was established in the year 2010 with an objective of introducing company’s products to Domestic and Export market. The company has manufacturing and marketing activities and catering Eastern and North East domestic markets as well as Exporting to UK, Germany and few other countries also.

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Download our brochure

Learn more about us. Download our products brochure 2020 (available in English).

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  • Fast Worldwide delivery

    From Europe to Asutralia, by air or sea? We offer fast, reliable and accurate worldwide delivery directly to your doors, factory and warehouses.

  • End-to-end solution available

    From 2010 Innovation Exports offers new service - we are now offering end-to-end solutions using multiple transportation means and covering all supply chain from the origin to the destination.

  • Safety & Compliance

    Safety of your cargo is one of our top priorities. Every package is handled with most care by our trained and high skilled personnel. You can be sure that your cargo will travel and arrive safely.
